- th / 0 40 10 43 v 1 2 1 Ja n 20 04 Quantum - tail effect in low energy d + d reaction in deuterated metals 1
The Bochum experimental enhancement of the d+d fusion rate in a deuterated metal matrix at low incident energies is explained by the quantum broadening of the momentum-energy dispersion relation and consequent modification of the highmomentum tail of the distribution function from an exponential to a power-law.
منابع مشابه
- th / 0 40 10 43 v 2 8 S ep 2 00 4 Quantum - tail effect in low energy d + d reaction in deuterated metals 1
The Bochum experimental enhancement of the d+d fusion rate in a deuterated metal matrix at low incident energies is explained by the quantum broadening of the momentum-energy dispersion relation and consequent modification of the highmomentum tail of the distribution function from an exponential to a power-law.
متن کاملar X iv : n uc l - th / 0 60 10 68 v 1 2 4 Ja n 20 06 Neutrino - nucleus reactions in the energy range 1 - 100 MeV
We review some salient aspects of calculations of the neutrino-nucleus reaction cross sections in the low energy range (1-100 MeV).
متن کاملNumerical modelling of the quantum - tail effect on fusion rates at low energy 1
Results of numerical simulations of fusion rate d(d,p)t, for low-energy deuteron beam, colliding with deuterated metallic matrix (Raiola [1,2]) confirm analytical estimates given in Ref. [3] (M. Coraddu et al., this issue), taking into account quantum tails in the momentum distribution function of target particles, and predict an enhanced astrophysical factor in the 1 keV region in qualitative ...
متن کامل/ 04 02 05 4 v 2 1 2 Fe b 20 04 Model - independent view on the low - mass proton - antiproton enhancement
We present a simple interpretation of the recently observed near-threshold proton-antiproton enhancement. It is described by a set of low-energy parameters deduced from the analysis of N ¯ N experiments at LEAR. We predict a related effect in photoproduction reaction under study by CLAS collaboration. Low-mass baryon-antibaryon enhancement has recently been observed in the decays B + → K + p¯ p...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 92 01 04 2 v 1 2 2 Ja n 19 92 Stabilizing the gravitational action and Coleman ’ s solution to the cosmological constant problem
We use the 5-th time action formalism introduced by Halpern and Greensite to stabilize the unbounded Euclidean 4-D gravity in two simple minisuperspace models. In particular, we show that, at the semiclassical level (h̄ → 0), we still have as a leading saddle point the S solution and the Coleman peak at zero cosmological constant, for a fixed De Witt supermetric. At the quantum (one-loop) level ...
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